When we were kids we spent hours and hours calculate distances, place each individual tile in the right place and then just a puff or a gentle push to make the whole building collapse.
It's called the domino effect. A linear chain reaction that occurs when a small change is able to produce in turn another similar change, giving rise to a linear sequence. And then pushing the first, this impacts the second, which in turn impacts the third and so on.
They 'just what we could find before us, if on June 23 they won the Great Britain are in favor of Brexit. We would end up rewriting a Europe different from what we have come to know it, with its strengths and weaknesses. In reality it is just another challenge that in a few months, Europe has to face. First Greece, then the elections in Austria between the green and the right ultranationalists and now England.
Le Pen in France adds: << If I am president I will propose the referendum on the exit of Europe >> France. It will be called "Frexit"! And 'now clear that in recent years the continent blows a wind of nationalism and populism. Europe, German-led, seems tired, more committed to the economic interests that the life of his fellow citizens. We need to change direction, because this rate, sooner or later sprofonderemo into the abyss, by writing an end to the dream of the United States of Europe.
We should be recovered To our leaders should farlo- those values of Ventotene manifesto that inspired the dream of a united Europe, without any subordination of states than others. After all we know from childhood, each tile in the domino has equal importance, because if one gives, even the last, in the end everything collapses.
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